Bulletproof Ballerina


Join me on this 14-day program to feel healthy, vibrant, & sexy for summer!
This is not about getting "skinny." This is about feeling healthy - eating in a way that nourishes your body & allows you to feel confident in your skin.
Sometimes you just need a little extra guidance to make the right choices around food. This 14-day SUMMER DETOX is designed to do just that! 

*How to Love Food & Still Get the Body You Want (PDF) to prep your mindset for the journey ahead (lifetime access).
*38-Page Fuel the Fierceness nutrition blueprint (PDF) with the Bulletproof Ballerina's tips, tricks, and general outline to follow for fat loss, performance power, & pleasure (lifetime access).
*Fuel the Fierceness Recipes (PDF) for clean eating as well as healthy snacks (lifetime access).
*Exclusive access to a special group chat (via WhatsApp) for the two weeks of this program (May 16-30, 2024) where you’ll get daily messages, food pictures, videos, or reminders to keep you motivated and on course.
*The ability to ask questions & get clarification in the chat for anything that might come up for you in real time as we work through this detox together (kind of like private coaching but without the cost!).
*2 Bonus videos - Morning Mobility and Evening Stretch & Decompress.
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